Volt Stats! (RIP)
Tracked real world usage of Chevy Volts in the wild...
Details for Volt #2011-00284 (ChrisC):
Car Information / Rankings
Location: | Atlanta, GA | |
Last Updated: | 2/19/2014 1:58:26 PM CST | |
EV Miles: | 16182.21 | |
Total Miles: | 24613.54 | |
EV %: | 65.7% | |
MPG: | 101.58 | |
MPGe: | 59.12 | |
MPGCS: | 34.80 | |
Group Membership(s): | ||
Comments: | I put down my deposit as soon as GM started accepting orders, and my Volt #284 shipped as part of the first batch that came out of the Hamtramck factory just before Christmas 2010. A few long road trips (including the one from the selling dealer in DC back home to Atlanta) have depressed my efficiency scores here. Also my lead foot has contributed :) www.FirstVoltInGeorgia.com |
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Moving Average:
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Show Data By Year:
Raw Data
Month | EV Miles | Total Miles | EV MPVDD | Total MPVDD | EV % | MPG | MPGe | MPGCS |
August 2011 | 338.23 | 859.94 | 15.59 | 39.31 | 39.3 | 57.69 | 46.37 | 35.00 |
September 2011 | 273.10 | 277.95 | 18.21 | 18.53 | 98.3 | 490.90 | 79.27 | 8.56 |
October 2011 | 317.40 | 383.69 | 12.37 | 14.92 | 82.7 | 178.56 | 68.97 | 30.85 |
November 2011 | 493.66 | 504.47 | 17.88 | 18.61 | 97.9 | 745.62 | 84.24 | 15.98 |
December 2011 | 434.78 | 504.41 | 15.54 | 18.03 | 86.2 | 232.07 | 73.69 | 32.04 |
January 2012 | 411.39 | 448.73 | 13.91 | 15.16 | 91.7 | 282.53 | 74.62 | 23.51 |
February 2012 | 473.81 | 488.93 | 17.98 | 18.54 | 96.9 | 579.34 | 82.38 | 17.92 |
March 2012 | 458.67 | 462.92 | 17.43 | 17.59 | 99.1 | 951.18 | 85.38 | 8.74 |
April 2012 | 377.75 | 432.32 | 15.99 | 19.02 | 87.4 | 250.30 | 74.64 | 31.59 |
May 2012 | 496.91 | 555.58 | 16.88 | 19.06 | 89.4 | 280.41 | 75.87 | 29.61 |
June 2012 | 327.65 | 337.79 | 17.95 | 18.49 | 97.0 | 653.23 | 83.55 | 19.62 |
July 2012 | 454.35 | 833 |