Details for Volt #2017-29004 (TK Volt):

Car Information / Rankings

Location: Statesville, NC
Last Updated: 6/28/2020 11:58:28 AM CST
EV Miles: 37430.21
Total Miles: 58402.33
EV %: 64.1%
MPG: 124.77
MPGe: 71.12
MPGCS: 44.81
Group Membership(s):
Comments: I purchased my white 2017 with 2400 loaner miles. Unfortunately, it evidently almost never got plugged in until I purchased it. I'm playing catchup with lifetime stats. My use is 3 days a week commuting (70 mile round trip with charging at work), 4 days a week runabout, and going to the beach (500 miles round trip) about twice a month. I rarely use gas except for my beach trips. I've owned many cars (including some luxury models...Mercedes, Audi, Jaguar, and most recently a V8 Genesis sedan) but this is my favorite so far. I wish it were just a bit larger, but everything else is perfect.


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Show Data By Year:

Raw Data

Month EV Miles Total Miles EV MPVDD Total MPVDD EV % MPG MPGe MPGCS
July 2017 328.49 503.43 37.55 81.28 65.3 116.34 67.77 40.43
August 2017 1352.95 2153.79 46.81 78.84 62.8 112.83 67.62 41.95
September 2017 1135.30 1279.71 50.22 57.44 88.7 380.24 90.89 42.91
October 2017 671.96 671.95 50.62 50.60 100.0 999.00 106.00 100.00
December 2017 282.12 342.64 40.31 48.96 82.3 281.35 88.27 49.69
February 2018 161.38 238.98 53.63 79.50 67.5 140.47 74.16 45.61
March 2018 1595.47 2295.41 53.80 79.73 69.5 141.10 73.29 43.03
April 2018 1122.30 1758.30 49.50 80.63 63.8 132.75 73.76 48.02
May 2018 1185.58 1689.68 43.49 61.50 70.2 144.51 73.87 43.11
June 2018 1213.34 2360.32 40.29 78.74 51.4 99.77 67.23 48.48
July 2018 1132.78 2204.48 53.03 101.75 51.4 89.28 62.31 43.40
August 2018 1184.62 2401.82 41.03 83.01 49.3 82.67 59.71 41.90
September 2018 1142.37 2145.40 42.31 79.46 53.2 92.03 62.94 43.02
October 2018 1359.39 1769.97 46.89 61.04 76.8 236.67 87.17 54.90
November 2018 1196.14 1840.56 44.39 68.25 65.0 139.60 75.23 48.88
December 2018 751.57 823.73 28.42 31.09 91.2 451.25 92.34 39.53
January 2019 773.86 1010.98 38.70 50.54 76.5 161.07 74.44 37.78
February 2019 1011.41 1071.12 40.45 42.84 94.4 661.44 95.96 36.87
March 2019 996.69 1702.82 38.23 76.05 58.5 180.40 90.37 74.81
April 2019 793.71 1156.46 39.34 56.61 68.6 127.30 69.80 39.93
May 2019 922.57 1327.50 42.70 61.11 69.5 128.59 69.78 39.22
June 2019 803.21 1070.41 38.74 42.94 75.0 163.06 75.71 40.70
July 2019 995.38 2240.65 35.66 80.25 44.4 95.64 68.27 53.16
August 2019 572.94 1204.37 38.19 80.28 47.6 74.30 55.72 38.95
September 2019 528.57 528.58 43.12 43.12 100.0 999.00 106.00 100.00
October 2019 558.92 575.02 37.08 38.15 97.2 999.00 102.08 44.81
November 2019 206.32 206.90 20.46 20.54 99.7 999.00 101.10 5.76
December 2019 826.22 962.34 39.06 45.25 85.9 279.36 85.66 39.51
January 2020 515.20 590.56 39.29 39.78 87.2 296.09 86.21 37.78
February 2020 657.84 714.43 40.96 44.50 92.1 492.61 93.32 39.02
March 2020 1009.52 1496.84 44.91 66.46 67.4 690.15 128.00 224.69
April 2020 356.05 628.62 18.74 32.69 56.6 91.84 61.64 39.82
May 2020 633.57 1859.11 22.18 78.11 34.1 67.54 55.48 44.52
June 2020 593.60 1530.43 28.08 74.92 38.8 110.81 78.85 67.83

Daily Driving Histogram

Blue Bars Represent:

This histogram charts the percentage of days that a Volt has driven a given number of miles. The green bars represent EV-only usage, and there are multiple options for the blue bars:

  • Total Mileage When Gas Used: If this is selected, the blue bars will represent the total distance driven when any gas was used. For example, if you drove 50 miles, 40 of which were EV powered, you would have a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 50 in this mode.

  • CS-Only Mileage: In this mode, the blue bars will represent the number of miles driven in charge sustaining mode only. For our 50 miles/40 EV example, you would get a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 10 in this mode.

  • Nothing - Show EV Only: Obviously, will clear the blue bars and only show EV usage.

In any mode, a day without gas usage will not get a blue tick. A vehicle's "day" is determined by the time zone of the zip code entered for the car. If the car doesn't have a zip code, central time will be used.

Scored Achievements

Achievement Best Score Points Best Timeframe Current Score Current Timeframe
Miles Driven Without Gas 1306.42 Miles 100.00 8/13/2017 - 9/13/2017 3.95 Miles 6/27/2020 - 6/28/2020
Electric Miles Driven in a Day 116.31 Miles 100.00 7/24/2017 - 7/25/2017 0.32 Miles 6/27/2020 - 6/28/2020
Miles Per Tank of Gas 4373.63 Miles 100.00 8/22/2019 - 3/9/2020 1131.65 Miles 6/6/2020 - 6/28/2020
Total Points: 300.00